Wednesday, July 24, 2013


If you dance to the music, you'll find yourself... less afraid.  I have been scared to dance in front of others for a long time.  I remember my 6th grade dance, where almost no one was dancing, and I was made fun of for trying to dance.  Yet I went to all the dances in college - dorm dances, APO dances, the school-wide Welcome Back and Spring Fling dances.  I danced a lot in college, with my friends.  Now I dance at home, with my daughter.

Other times, though, my feet become cement blocks glued to the floor and my brain becomes like a deer caught in headlights.  I need to move, want to move, and don't dare move.  Something has got me trapped.  Some fear, and I can't move past it.  I'm afraid of being made fun of, of being ridiculed, of having attention called to me.  I don't want to rock the boat.  I don't want to be singled out.  I don't want to be criticized.  And so I don't do anything.  I don't want the eyes of the world on me, or what feels like the eyes of the world.

I was painfully shy growing up.  And as a grown-up, I've now served in three professions (teacher, missionary, pastor) where you can't be shy.  You have to speak up.  The attention is on you.  You are a public speaker.  You don't have a choice and you can't be shy.  I have come a long way.  I am less afraid than I used to be.


  1. Heather, you amaze me! It must take tremendous courage to preach and be in the public eye, or to write and be in the public eye. I know how hard it was for me to write when I want the respect of those around me, and I don't like public speaking. Keep up the amazing work, and may God bless you in the midst of it!

    1. Thank you, Sean. And you're right, preaching is one of the harder tasks. May God also bless you and your family as you adjust to a new place of service!
