Sunday, February 28, 2021

Reflection: Operation Ordination

 I was raised in the Episcopal Church and I still miss the formal liturgy and weekly communion. However, as soon as I joined The United Methodist Church in college I began to be encouraged and nurtured toward ordained ministry, first by Rev. Roger Jespersen and later by Rev. Herb Coleman and others. I didn't listen to them, not for years. I didn't listen until I was on bed rest in Nicaragua with my first major flare-up of rheumatoid arthritis. Then I prayed and searched Scriptures and journaled and then I said yes. That was 15 years ago. In the meantime, I went to seminary and began pastoring churches and began overcoming obstacle after obstacle in the pursuit of full ordination. Last year I was eligible for the first time and at my oral exam I did not do well because I was so anxious. So, I was delayed. This year I participated again in the oral exam - AND PASSED!!!!

Operation Ordination Command Center (this year's oral exam was virtual)