Monday, February 20, 2012


I find it really interesting that in both churches I've served, which are very, very different, February has been the month to finally give me negative feedback. Perhaps it takes eight months to feel comfortable with a pastor, or with me, to give negative feedback? On the one hand, it hurts. Negative feedback, when not phrased as constructive criticism, always hurts. On the other hand, I've been waiting to hear some. I know I haven't been perfect the past eight months, but no one beyond the office staff has pointed out or talked with me about my imperfections. All I've heard is "good job," "we're glad you're here," "good sermon." Perhaps because I learned at Unidos por Cristo, I've been waiting for the criticism and it's finally come - I'm not a good preacher, I'm not a good worship leader, I'm not a strong leader, I'm not a good presenter/speaker. Well, now I know what to work on!

It's funny because a few days before this came out the senior pastor and I had talked about my going to continuing ed about preaching and the very next day a colleague of ours invited me to go with her to the Festival of Homiletics in Atlanta in May! The other side of this preaching conversation is that the preaching style I learned at Unidos por Cristo is very different from Orange and at Orange I've only preached 5 times (at a total of 13 services).

In terms of leading worship, I've been advised to to figure out how to be comfortable when in front of 200 people. It's true, I'm an introvert. I'm not a fan of big crowds or being in front of them. However, that's something I'm going to have to get over.

So not everyone loves how I do things? It's about time they told me.

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