Monday, August 22, 2011

The Service Where I Couldn't Stop Laughing

For the first time as a worship leader, I cracked up at the pulpit. I couldn't help myself!

At the 11:00 service, the church tradition is for elementary school kids to acolyte. Yesterday, there were two boys, around ages 8 or 9. The lady in charge of them got them ready and made sure the wicks were plenty long so the flames would stay lit as they processed up the aisle during the opening hymn. However, as the two boys processed, they each gradually made their wicks shorter and shorter. By the time they reached the front row of pews, one of their flames had gone out. By the time they reached the altar, both had been extinguished. The two boys looked at each other, at each other's lack of flame, and tried anyway to light the candles!!!

I love watching the symbolic light of Christ enter the sanctuary and the candles being lit. I also love kids. So each Sunday as I sing the opening hymn from the pulpit, I watch the acolytes and their flames. I started laughing at the point where both flames were extinguished. I put my hand over my mouth to try to restrain myself when they both tried to light the candles without any fire. That's when the rest of the congregation noticed, those who didn't have a clear line of sight to what was happening, because they saw me trying to stifle a laugh, and then everyone laughed!

I had trouble keeping a straight face for the rest of the hymn ("To God Be the Glory"). At the end, I said, "Praise the Lord that Christ is the light of the world who never goes out!" and everyone laughed again. Then we moved on.

Until the end of the end of the service. During the recessional hymn, the lady in charge of acolytes caught my eye and we both cracked up again.

However, after the service I made sure to tell both boys that they did a great job acolyting!

1 comment:

  1. LOL that is hilarious!!!! i love it!! Oh it's em by the way :)
