I have had my last meeting at Unidos por Cristo UMC. I have turned in my keys, the church laptop, and the church cell phone. I have said my good-byes and been thrown a despedida (good-bye party). I wish the bugs on US-264 a long life now that I will no longer be regularly driving that route at night.
In one week, I start at Orange UMC.
At first, I thought I'd make a list of all the changes. Then, I realized the number of differences is almost overwhelming and maybe instead I should focus on what will be the same. That list is not very long:
Still serving the same one triune God
Still serving with The United Methodist Church
Still in North Carolina
Still will be doing pastoral care, worship leadership, and leading bible study
Still part-time
Still will have to get up at 6 a.m. on Sunday
So many things are going to be different: setting, language, multiple services, a staff, church age, church size, etc. It reminded me of the last time almost everything in my life changed with not much staying the same.
Five years ago this summer I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. In order to manage it and because of it, almost everything in my life changed. Not all at once, but within about a year. Hair, clothing, shoes, residence, occupation, car, athletic ability, tote bag, contact lens case, diet, patience, and even, after one more year, marital status. That's right, because of my RA, I re-met and started dating my husband when I did (because it was a main reason why I moved from Nicaragua back to North Carolina). By the end, even my name had changed. (Honestly, I felt a lot like Jacob with all the wrestling with God I did because of that disease.)
I do not expect this change in churches to be quite so drastic. It will be more of an external change than one with myself. I will still be seeking the kingdom of God and his righteousness before all else. I will still be working toward glimpses of that kingdom here on earth. I will still be working to meet physical and spiritual needs. Just the local setting will be different.